Longevity Investors
In the last days of September, the Longevity Investors Conference will be held in Switzerland, which aims to connect experts from various fields to counteract old age, aging and focus on rejuvenation. The conference also brings together institutional and private investors who, like its founders, believe that longevity is an investment opportunity covering lifestyle and pharmaceuticals.
Scientists are fascinated by the issue of longevity. Recent studies show that we can control aging to some extent through genetics and biochemical processes. However, such control is available to the few. It requires considerable investment. The key action in the field of longevity is to change the approach to treatment — no therapy is universal and will work for everyone. Therefore, treatment should be personalized, tailored to the individual medical profile. This change can affect many things, from your cancer control method to your diet.
The conference will also discuss the similarity between longevity medicine and cryptocurrencies. Mostly because this new way of looking at treatment is just as criticized and niche as cryptocurrencies used to be. And just as cryptocurrency enthusiasts used to share their discoveries with each other and collaborated, longevity researchers are eager to publish their discoveries. Moreover, researchers would like all interested parties to join the research and be willing to contribute. However, there remains the question of education and the adoption of this new concept by the public. That is why the Conference was organized. The Swiss company Maximon dealing with building new entities oriented on longevity is responsible for the organization. The aim of this cooperation is to build a bridge between science and business.
The conference is planned to address the impact of longevity on people around the world. And also how the whole situation will affect investors and investments, including cryptocurrencies.
Why are cryptocurrencies associated with science, medicine, and life extension? Longevity is the future, new technologies, new solutions to old problems.
It must be admitted that blockchain is already actively supporting medical industries. Innovation and development Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) finance research and support commercialization of therapies. The Longevity Investors Conference also cooperates with The Giving Block — an organization that facilitates making donations to charities in cryptocurrencies.
This is the third edition of this conference.