Do you know what happens when the phenomenon called ‘Collecting’ is transformed into the digital currency sector? A madness called NFT will emerge. The acronym NFT is becoming a trend of current investment, with these three letters representing a modern revolution.
What is NFT?
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are a type of digital currency that uses blockchain technology, but they differ in their uniqueness. For digital currencies, it does not matter whether an investor buys one digital unit or another. In this sense, digital currencies are not unique and each unit of a particular currency has the same value.
However, NFTs offer something original, and that is the unique unmistakable ownership of part or all of a particular digital product or service.
It is possible to obtain any digital content through the NFT, whether it is video, audio, photographs, drawings, software or anything else. It is understandable that such an investment can have high speculative potential not only in the field of art, so NFTs are perceived as risky. But what is not risky these days? In addition, with the current technological progress, investors like challenges and innovation.
How does it work?
After obtaining the NFT of a specific product or service, an unmistakable record of who is the current owner is created in the blockchain, and a cryptographic certificate is generated, which confirms the ownership of the given product or service. And this is exactly what attracts investors to the NFT.
And what about the future of the NFT?
Fragmentation — a word whose meaning today is synonymous with something speculative that smells of collective investment, will be transformed into a completely new form through the NFT in the near future. Investors will be able to procure NFTs, linked for example to a specific property or motor vehicle. This will create a more attractive form of generating passive income, either through the lease of specific assets or the lease of the NFT itself.