New generation start-ups


Every year, there are more and more creators of new, innovative projects around the world who are looking for funds for further development and introduction of projects to the market. A start-up is the easiest way to obtain funds and experience in running a business.

Start-ups are financed by founders, sponsors, capital funds or through crowdfounding where the community interested in the development of the project donates funds for its development. The success of a start-up is to transform into a regular company that will start to be profitable, achieve permanent profitability, or will be acquired or merged with a larger entity.

Despite the fact that a start-up may be associated with technology and modernity, it can be safely said that start-ups can develop in any field.

The most recognizable start-ups are, of course, Facebook, Google and Twitter. It cannot be denied that they have achieved success and the ideas have conquered the modern world.

Therefore, when thinking about investing, it is worth paying attention to what is currently appearing on the start-up market. The ideas of the creators are sometimes extraordinary, surprising, but also involved in nature protection or simply focused on making their free time pleasant.

Pubinno — a project developed in 2015 by Turkish designers aims to replace the work of a bartender by pouring the perfect beer to guests and not only about its taste, but also temperature and proper foaming. The mission is also to reduce losses from each barrel of beer and leave as little carbon footprint as possible. Today the company has its fillers in Spain, Mexico, Israel and Cyprus. By 2023, it is planned to expand the company to the Czech and British markets, and the number of fillers is to increase from 2,000 to 100,000.

Revl — in 2016, a company producing 4k sports cameras with image stabilization was established. Thanks to modern solutions, the project has become an ideal support for entertainment-oriented companies that need to edit video in a simple and fast way. It is about amusement parks or companies dealing with widely understood extreme sports. At the beginning of using the attractions, the client receives a “watch” that records his adventure. Then the material is sent for artificial intelligence editing and then goes to the client’s profile where you can watch its trailer and buy the finished movie. The video goes to the visitor via e-mail or via the application goes to the social network. The project raised USD 17.5 million for development.

FarmWise Labs, Inc — an American project existing since 2016, focuses on agricultural technology and robotics. The flagship product is an automated weeder which, thanks to artificial intelligence, removes weeds from the fields without using any chemicals. The project is already winning awards in the agricultural and sustainable development industry. The weeder itself consists of a self-propelled tractor and a tool, which consists of a set of cameras and sensors with robotic arms. Thanks to this, the machine is able to correctly distinguish weeds and eliminate them, and the software is updated weekly. Fast Company named FarmWise as one of the top ten most innovative food companies in 2022.

It is very likely that the lion’s share of startups will fail within the first two years of operation, and only a small percentage will be successful.

This is due to little experience of the project creators. Such companies are primarily interested in creating business models that they shape according to their own needs. And this requires getting to know the industry on many levels or employing the right people who will be able to achieve the goals of the project and be guided by the idea of ​​the creators.

So remember that the idea itself and even the right investor are not a guarantee of success.



NED ECOSYSTEM by New Era Development
NED ECOSYSTEM by New Era Development

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