The revolution — Lens Protocol
We inevitably move towards innovation in every area of our lives. Transferring it to the digital world causes new problems and requires new solutions. For example, the internet as we know it is slowly becoming a thing of the past. There is talk of its re-architecture and the introduction of Web 0.3.
Web 0.3 will not differ that much from its predecessor. However, the key solutions are having content, i.e. every creator or private person who places their works on the Internet has full rights to them and decentralization. Decentralization is to guarantee a fair system, without global failures, users will be able to have an insight into the operation of the platform itself. Web 3 appears to be an uncensored medium, where information is easily stored and the user is not a passive listener but a creator.
Lens Protocol was created so that the user could fully enjoy the friendly and safe internet. The project itself is operational at the beginning of 2022. Its primary tasks are to facilitate the creation of other platforms and social media, create your own network of recipients and monitor the relationship between them, all with respect to the property of the creators. The basis is the social graph — the easiest way to say is that it is access to this database of participants and the relations between them. User profiles are presented as NFT.
It can be said that the Lens Protocol offers great tools for creating a decentralized world of social media. Newly created functions can be implemented after prior community decision. To get started, simply create an NFT profile and then add content. Each post, comment and other activity are publications.
In Lens Protocol, modules must be used to develop a system. The modules are divided into three types:
tracking — allows you to observe the profile of another user
collections — they are used to create articles published on the Internet
Reference modules — are used to comment on other users’ posts.
Besides, in Lens you can monetize the content of the creators by minting the NFT.
We are already used to social media and the fact that the content posted on them is the property of the owners of social media. Social media pages are ready to censor user-posted content. Lens Protocol will not only prevent anyone from interfering with the published content, but it will also allow you to adapt such a platform to your needs. No third party (including power) can censor content.