Who needs a Plan B?
When it comes to investing, we all think about the strategy to follow in order not to lose money. Or what time will be the right one. Or what to invest in at all! You can look for hints everywhere: follow chart analyzes, tips from other traders or analysts.
One such analyst is the mysterious Plan B. He does not reveal his identity, but interviews with him reveal that he works as an investment manager and with his team are handling a billions of dollars. In addition, he is a male from the Netherlands and has 25 years of experience in financial markets.
He gained his popularity with his bold predictions and now his social media accounts are watched by crowds of fans interested in cryptocurrencies. He developed the Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow (S2F) and Stock-to-Flow Cross Asset (S2FFX) models to quantify the value of BTC based on its programmed shortage. To be precise: S2F measures the amount of Bitcoin entering the market each year compared to the total supply of tokens of 21 million. The issuance of BTC deliveries has been encoded in his protocol and therefore its flow is predictable. Moreover, Plan B, thanks to the S2F model, assumes a statistical relationship between stocks, flow and the market value of BTC. In this way, it can be determined that the price of Bitcoin will grow exponentially up to USD 1 million per token.
Last year, for the first time, the price forecasts for Plan B were wrong, which is a big surprise considering the fact that from 2019 the accuracy of the model was flawless. After this event, theanalyst withdrew a bit from social media. The more that he was counting on a complete withdrawal from the cryptocurrency market when the BTC price starts to oscillate around $ 100,000. Nevertheless, his next predictions were again flawless. This year 2022 is rumored to be a breakthrough in the career of Plan B. Perhaps because of these new S2F updates.
Nevertheless, one of the most respected analysts still believes that Bitcoin will attract new investors at price lows and then increase in value within a few years and add “one more zero”.